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Customer Testimonials

  • Wallace Telecom's knowledge and personal attention to detail helped make our phone system transition one of the smoothest I have ever been a part of. Not only did they have knowledge of our old system but they provided a new system to link our multi office environment making a call to our remote offices as simple as dialing an extension. Wallace telecom has been our expert so that we don't have to, letting us focus on our business.

    Clint Garant - Baja Marine
  • From day one, they have proven to be knowledgeable, professional, personable and accessible. Clark and his team took our office of approximately 75 phones through a complete transformation from a 15 year old phone system to the new Mitel system.

    Jenna B. Stahl - Eastern Carolina ENT
    See Full Testimonial
  • Rocky Mount Family Medical Center has been a customer of Wallace Telecommunications for approximately fifteen years. I have had the pleasure of working with Wallace for 11 of those years, and the best way to describe Wallace is to say that they are my “GO TO”.

    Amanda Bell, Manager Rocky Mount Family Medical Center
    See Full Testimonial
  • Cypress Glen is a retirement community situated in the heart of Greenville, NC providing a continuum of care through residential living, assisted living, long term care and skilled rehab for close to 300 residents. The welfare and on-going safety of the residents is Cypress Glen’s greatest priority.  To achieve this, it is imperative that telephone lines stay in good working order. Having been a customer for more than 20 years, Cypress Glen trusted Wallace Telecommunications, Inc., when looking for a solution.  Wallace recommended a new Mitel Platform and call accounting to implement the capacity and control needed.

    Anna W. Holloman Executive Assistant/ Director of Communications Cypress Glen Retirement Community
    See Full Testimonial

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